Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hola mi familia! Como estan!? Thank you all so much for all the letters you have sent me. Gracias por todos los cartas envian yo. Por favor, envian mas! I love getting updates on how you are all doing!

That's so great to hear the Rec center did that, way to go! Class is excellent. I am of the firm opinion we have the best teachers at the MTC. It gets pretty intense though, some days we have up to 6 hours of study time, not including class. Spanish es muy bien. Es facil cuando lee el. We get an hour of exercise a day, except on P-days and Sundays. Lot's of exercise. Lately I've been four-squaring it up, then hitting the track/weight lifting. Balancesto es por tantos. Everybody really appreciates the Tide pens and wants to say thanks. They have mostly all gotten some at the book store now. I'm thinking of picking up a voice recorder and sending home tapes every month/week or so, how does that sound to you?

This week was kinda hard though, we had to say goodbye to two misisonaries in our district that left for the Peru MTC. It's insane to think that we've been here for three weeks. It feels like you dropped me off yesterday.

Thank you all SO MUCH for your letters! Alex wasn't kidding when he talked about how great they are! Tengo mucho, mucho amor por todos de ustedes y quiero hablar que yo sé que Dios vida, ye que tiene much amor para nosotros. Yo sé que Jose Smith es un profeta de Dios. Yo sé que la Libro de Mormon is verdadero, y que Presidente Monson es un profeta de Dios tambien. Jesucristo vivó para nosotros, y mediante su expiación, podemos ser limpo y puro.

Amo ustedes!
Elder Joseph Neil Newell

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